Unit 23 The find of the century

发布时间:2017-10-22 编辑:互联网 手机版



  fine 细的   fine rain 细雨   for ever 永远   get away 逃脱

  set...on fire 使燃烧       downhill 下山   shower 阵雨

  lightning 闪电          fox 狐狸     inspire 鼓舞


  I guess /believe (that)

  It seems (that)....

  She/He/They must have done....

  It looks as if....

  It certainly is.






  1.本单元的标题 The find of the century可译作"本世纪伟大的发现"。此处的 find 不是动词,而是名词,作"发现的(有价值的)东西"(something good or valuable that is found)解。例如:

  The little bookshop is a real find. I didn't know it existed.


  2.One moment we were walking along the top of a hill and now we could see no more than about thirty metres ahead of us. 刚才我们还在山顶上行走,而现在30公尺开外的地方就看不清了。

  One moment…, and now…结构,意思是"刚才……,现在却又……。"这里的one moment相当于just a moment ago的意思。例如:

  One moment she was reading and now she fell asleep.


  3.We had lost the path and had no hope of finding it again. 我们找不到那条小路,而且也没有希望再找到了。

  hope可以作不可数名词,后面常可跟of引起的介词短语(hope of + n. /-ing),如本句中的hope of后跟-ing形式短语。例如:

  He gave up all hope of success. 他不再抱成功的希望了。

  They have not much hope of winning the game. 他们对于赢得这场比赛没抱多大希望。

  4.Then the grass turned to bushes and the hillside became steeper.


  句中的 turn to作"变成"(become)解,后跟名词。例如:

  Ice turns to water if the temperature goes up. 如果温度上升,冰就变成水。

  It was getting colder, and the rain turned to snow. 天气越来越冷,下雨变成了落雪。

  turn to除了作"变成"解外,还可以作"(把书页)翻到"、"转向"、"求助于"解。例如:

  Please turn to page 128 for the key to the exercises. 请翻到第128页找练习答案。

  You'd better turn to your audience when you're speaking. 你说话的时候,最好是面对听众。

  They always turn to me when they are in trouble.他们有困难的时候,总是来找我帮助。

  5."We can make a fire and warm ourselves.""我们可以生个火来暖暖身子。"

  make a fire生火,把火生起来。例如:

  I feel very cold. Please make a fire. 我感觉很冷,请把火生起来吧。

  6.I always carry matches with me at such times and I tore out the pages of the first chapter of the book I was reading to get the fire going. 在这样的时候我总是带着火柴的。我把我正在读的书的第一章那几页撕下,使火烧起来。

  1)tear out撕下,扯下,拔出(= remove sth. roughly by pulling)。例如:

  He wrote quickly the address down in his notebook, tore the page out, and handed it to me.他在笔记本上匆匆地写下地址,撕下那一页来交给了我。

  The telephone wires have been torn out, so we can't call the police. 电话线被拔掉了,所以我们不能报警。

  2) get (sth.) going的意思是"使(某物)开始活跃"或"使(某物)开始工作"(cause sth. to be active, working, etc.)。例如:

  It's difficult to get the car going on cold mornings. 冷天的早晨很难把汽车发动起来。

  Can you get the clock going again? It's stopped for a week. 你能使这钟重新走动吗?它停了一周了。

  7."I think someone has been carving animals.""我看是有人一直在这儿雕刻动物哩。"

  本句中宾语从语的谓语动词用了现在完成进行时态"has been carving"。这个时态由"have/has been+-ing形式"构成,它表示从过去某一时间开始一直延续到现在的动作。这一动作可能刚刚结束,也可能仍在继续,并可能延续到将来。例如:

  How long have you been waiting here?----I've been waiting here for about half an hour.你在这儿等多久了?-我在这儿大概等了半个小时。(等的动作从半个小时前开始,现在刚刚结束。)

  I've been sitting here for an hour.(I sat down here an hour ago, and I'm still sitting here.)我在这儿坐了一小时了。(一小时前我坐在这儿,现在仍在坐着)。

  She has been studying English since she came to this school. (She began to study English when she came to this school.  She's still studying English now and will go on studying English.)她从进校以来一直在学习英语。(从进校开始学英语,现在仍在学,而且将继续学下去。)


  I've written an article. 我写好了一篇文章。(现在已经写完了)

  I've been writing an article. 我一直在写一篇文章。(现在还在写)

  He has repaired my bike. 他把我的自行车修好了。(现在已经修好了)

  He has been repairing my bike this afternoon. 今天下午他一直在修我的自行车。(现在还在修)



  How long have you studied/been studying here? 你在这儿学习多久了?

  He has lived/ been living there for ten years. 他在那儿住了十年了。

  8.I went further back into the cave and stopped still. 我再往岩洞里边走去,然后站住不动了。

  still是形容词,意思是"原地不动"。still的此种用法多与stay/ stand/ sit/ lie连用,构成系表结构。例如:

  They pushed and pushed, but the truck stood still. 他们推呀推呀,而卡车却一动也不动。

  The old man stood still by the window. 那位老人安安静静地站在窗户旁边。

  Can't you sit still for a moment, Jim? 吉姆,你难道不能安静地坐一会儿吗?

  He lay still in bed and was deep in thought. 他静静地躺在床上,陷入了沉思。

  9.I turned the corner and looked in astonishment. 我转过拐角,惊奇地望着。

  in astonishment惊奇地。在句中作状语,表示行为方式,修饰动词look。


  in fear(害怕地)、 in surprise (惊奇地)、 in anger(愤怒地)、 in grief(忧郁地)、 in happiness(高高兴兴地)、 in sorrow (愁苦地)等。

  10.…we've still got a little food and water and maybe by tomorrow morning the weather will have cleared up.……我们还有一点食物和水,也许明天早晨就会晴了。

  句中的短语动词clear up作"(天气)转晴"解。例如:

  The weather has cleared up; we can go out. 天晴了,我们可以出去了。

  It's raining now, but I think it will clear up soon. 现在正在下雨,但是我看天气很快会转晴的。

  It looks as if the rain will continue for some time, but it may clear up before dark. 看起来雨还会下一些时候,不过天黑前也许会转晴的。

  clear up还可作"露出喜悦的表情"解。例如:

  Her face cleared up as she read the letter. 她看信的时候,面露喜色。

  clear up作及物用时还可以作"整理"、"收拾"、"澄清"、"解决"解。例如:

  When you have finished your meal, please clear up the kitchen. 你吃完饭后,请把厨房收拾一下。

  You'd better clear up the classroom before you go home. 你们回家前最好把教室打扫一下。

  The book has cleared up many problems for me. 这本书给我解决了许多难题。

  The teacher cleared up the harder parts of the story. 老师讲清了故事中比较难于理解的部分。

  11 .Neither of us realized that night that these carvings and paintings dated back 15,000 years, nor that the headline in the newspaper would be"The find of the century ---- children aged 13 and 11 discover cave paintings."那天晚上,我们谁也没有意识到,这些雕刻和绘画已经存在1.5万年了,我们也没有想到报纸的标题竟会是:"本世纪的重大发现-13岁和11岁的儿童发现了岩画。"

  1)date back(to)可追溯到,从……时候开始有,已存在……(时候)了。例如:

  This custom dates back several centuries. 这种习俗已经存在几个世纪了。

  The castle dates back to the 14th century. 这座城堡从14世纪起就开始有了。

  This church dates back to 1173. 这座教堂始建于1173年。

  2) Children aged 13 and 11中的aged 13 and 11是后置定语,修饰前面的名词children。这里的aged是形容词,作"有……岁"、"……年纪的"解,也可以作"老年的"、"上了年纪的"解。例如:

  Only the young girls aged 18-25 are fit for the job.


  3)Children aged 13 and 11 discover cave paintings, 这是报纸上的标题。其中的谓语动词discover用的是一般现在时,而不是一般过去时。这是因为在报纸上的标题、图片说明、电影说明、戏剧的舞台说明中动词常用一般现在时。


  1, 有许多种状语从句,要根据主句与从句的逻辑关系决定用什么连词。状语从句一共有九种:时间、条件、原因、让步、目的、结果、方式、比较、地点等。

  The temple is in good state because it is repaired every two years. (原因)

  If you are not sure about it, you may refer to the dictionary. (条件)

  Although it's not easy, we can manage it. (让步)


  Having received a lot of letters he decided to write answers at once. (他主动收到信。)

  Having been given more time, we could have finished it. (我们被给予时间。)

  To finish the task on time they worked day and night. (他们主动完成任务。)

  He has returned only to be sent away again. (他被送走。)


  He speaks English badly but reads it well.

  Naturally we expect you to come as early as possible.

  On Third Road last night an accident happened.


1, ought与should:


  You ought to go there.你应该到那儿去。

  You ought to eat more.你应当多吃一点。

  You ought to have told me that yesterday.你昨天就应该把那件事情告诉我。


  You should be more careful.你应该细心一些。

  He should have told me the news yesterday.他昨天就应该把这消息告诉我。

  It is necessary that we should go here at once.我们必须立即去那儿。

2, tired与exhausted:

  tired 的意思是疲倦、疲乏、疲劳、累。它是普通用语,大量用于日常生活中,意味较弱,通常指费力过度而感到疲劳。它还可表示感到厌倦、厌烦的意思。例:

  Are you tired?你累了吗?

  My eyes were tired from reading in a poor light.因在不良的光线下阅读,我的眼睛很疲劳。

  We are tired of hearing the old story.这老话我们听厌了。


  Tom was too exhausted to eat his dinner.汤姆已精疲力竭,不想吃饭了。

  I was too exhausted to wake easily when once asleep.我太累了,只要倒头一睡就很难醒过来了。

3, animal与beast:

  animal的意思是动物,是相对于植物而言,是动物的总称,通常指兽、鸟虫、雨等。例:It is an animal of   monkey kind.这是一种属猴类的动物。

  The animal is hungry.这个动物饿了。


  The camel is a beast of burden.骆驼是负重的动物。

  The tiger is a beast of prey.老虎是猛兽(食肉兽)。