Unit 24 Mainly Revision

发布时间:2017-11-23 编辑:互联网 手机版


学生在本单元应掌握表示道别、祝贺和应答的日常交际用语。能理解、运用本单元出现的常用词、词组和句型。通过学习“the pianist”一文,号召学生向剧中主人公学习,为人民 ,尤其是残疾人献上一片爱心。



1.I′d like to congratulate you on your good work in these two years.你这两年来学习很好,我向你表示祝贺。

congratulate vt.祝贺,道贺。常用句型为;congratulate sb on sth.译为“就某事祝贺某人”;对别人的祝贺表示谢意可用“Thank you”或“Thanks”。


--I congratulate you on your success.我祝贺你取得成功。

--Thank you.谢谢。

We congratulate him on his passing the college entrance examination.我们祝贺他考上大学。


Congratulations to you on your winning the race!恭喜你在比赛中获胜。

Convey my congratulations to him.代我向他问好。

2.It's a pity you missed the sports meeting last week.真可惜上周的运动会你没有来。

(1)It’ s a pity(that)...是表示遗憾的交际用语,后面的that从句就是所指的遗憾的事情。从结构上讲,它是由形式主语it引出的句子,真正的主语是后面的that从句。

It is a pity he has not got rid of the bad habit smoking.很遗憾,他没有戒掉吸烟的坏习惯。

It is a pity too much waste has been poured into the river.遗憾的是,倒入江中的废物太多了。

(2)此外,还可以用感叹句的结构来表示遗憾,如:What a pity!(多可惜!真遗憾!),What a shame!(多遗憾!太不像话)。

--He hasn't got rid of the habit of sleeping late.他没有改掉睡懒觉的坏习惯。

--What a pity/shame! 太遗憾了!


1.I read about you in the newspaper.我在报纸上看到了你的情况。

read about/read of阅读到关于……的材料/内容,注意与read的区别。


I know it is true, for I read about it in today’s newspaper.我知道这是真的,因为我在今天的报纸上见到过。

I have read little about this particular development of the modern car factory.关于这个现代化汽车厂的具体情况,我了解得很少。

She read the story to his son.她读故事给他儿子听。

Please read me the letter.请把那封信念给我听。

He reads English, but doesn't speak it.他看得懂英语,但不会讲。

The boy can read the clock now.孩子现在会看钟了。

My mother read my mind.妈妈看出了我的心思。

2.at the moment, for the moment, for a moment, in a moment

(1)at the moment用于现在时中,意为“此刻”,用于过去时态中意为“那时”。

Our manager is having an interview with a newspaper reporter at the moment.我们的经理此刻在接受采访。

At the moment Tom was playing hide-and-seek with other boys.此刻汤姆正同别的男孩捉迷藏。

(2)for the moment作“暂时,目前”。例如:

Stop the discussing for the moment, please.请暂停讨论。

Filled for the moment with extraordinary strength, he raised himself completely.他一下子使出惊人的力气,使自己完全站了起来。

(3)for a moment意为“片刻,一会儿”。例如;

I had to think for a moment before I remembered his name.我想了一会儿才想起他的名字。

(4)in a moment意为“立刻,立即”。

You go first I’ll come in a moment.你先走我马上就来。

Don't go away, the bus will start in a moment.别走开,汽车马上就开了。

3.And I owe you some money.我还欠你的钱呢。

(1)owe vt.欠债;对……负有义务;感谢,归功于。习惯搭配:

owe...to...把……归功于,owe sb.sth.欠某人某物(owe sth.to sb.)

I owed 50 Yuan to him.(I owed him 50 Yuan.)我欠他五十元钱。

We owe all our achievements to the warm, timely help from our teacher.我们把一切归于老师们热情、及时的帮助。

I owe what I am to my parents.我有今天归功于父母。

I owe it to you that I finished my work ahead of time.亏得你帮忙,我才及时完成了工作。

(2)owing to(由于)作介词用。例如:

Owing to our joint efforts, the task was fulfilled in time.由于我们共同的努力,任务及时完成了。

4.Is he expecting you?

注意:此外expect表等待与wait for有所不同。expect着重于心理的企盼,而wait for则着重于行动,即除了等待之外,另外是什么也不干。expect所指的等待,可以在干其它的事。


--Why are you standing here?你为什么站在这?

--I'm waiting for my sister.我在等我妹妹。

Father and mother are busy with preparations, expecting my uncle and aunt to come.爸爸和妈妈在忙着准备,等待叔叔和姑姑的到来。

Mr White, you are expected at the conference immediately.怀特先生,他们在等你马上去开会。

They waited patiently just outside the door.他们在门外耐心地等着。

You are expecting too much of him.你对他期望太高了。

We’ll expect the work (to be)finished soon.我们希望这工作很快完成。

5.I’m planning to start a school.我在计划开办一所学校。


He mentioned that he would like to start a school.他提起他想创办一所学校。

Any such news would start him worrying.任何这类消息都会引起他发愁。

A rich uncle started him in business.一个有钱的叔叔帮他开始经商。

6.You see, the school will be expensive to run and we will need a lot of teachers.


Who runs his house for him since his wife is ill?由于他妻子生病了,谁来替他操持家务呢?

They have the right to run their own affairs.他们有权力管理自己的事务。

You should study how to run meetings successfully.你们应该研究怎样把会议开好。


The river was beginning to run dry,河水开始干涸起来。

I asked Mary to lend me fifty yuan because I was running short of money我向玛丽借五十元钱因为我手头没钱了。

His blood ran cold at the news.听到这消息,他血都凉了。

You mustn't let the children run wild and do what they like.你不能让孩子们不受约束,爱干什么就干什么。

7.come round/around“作(来访)”、“串门”解释。例如:

I'd like to come round to your place one of the these days.我很愿意哪一天到你这儿玩玩。

I'm afraid I can's come round to your place tonight, for I have to finish my work first.我今晚恐怕不能到你家去,因为我得先完成工作。

(1)come round可作“又来到”、“再现”解释,主要指隔一段时间回来一次的事情,如节日、季节。例如:

The summer holidays have come round again.暑假又到了。

When Saturday came round, I went to see my brother.到了星期六,我就去看我兄弟。

(2)come round还有,“转变看法”、“转而同意”、“回心转意”之意。如:

She is now against our ideas, but soon she will come round.他现在反对我们的意见,但很快他会改变看法的。

(3)come round亦可作“恢复知觉、健康”等解释。如:

They watched by herbed ,waiting for her to come round.他们守在她的床边,等待她苏醒过来。

8.large business interests许多商业股份

His father gave him large business interests.他父亲把许多股份给了他。

In order to pay off the debts, my uncle had to sell some of his business interests.为了还清债务,我叔叔不得不卖掉他的一部分商业股份。


My boss traveled in Europe in the interests of his company.我的老板为了其公司的利益在欧洲旅行。


His two great interests in life are music and painting.他一生两大爱好是音乐和绘画。


He lent me the money at 6% interest.他们以6%的利息借给我钱。

(4)to one's interest对……有害处

It is to your interest to work hard.努力工作对你有好处。


You will find a true friend in me.你会发现我是你的真正朋友。

The dictionary is a library in itself.辞典本身就是一个书库。

We've lost a first-rate teacher in Mr Hill.我们失去了第一流的教师希尔先生。


1. It's a pity you missed the sports meeting last night.


(1)It's a pity. . . 用于对可惜或遗憾的事发表感叹,后面常接动词不定式或that从句。e. g.

①It's a pity for us to have wasted so much time. =It's a pity that we wasted so much time.


②It is a pity that you don't know English. 你不懂英语真是憾事。

(2)同情某人可用be filled with pity for sb. , feel pity for sb. 和have/take pity on sb. 表示。e. g.

He is filled with/feels pity for the poor.

(类似He has/takes pity on the poor. )


(3)It's thousand pities+(that-clause)意为“最不幸的是,万分可惜的是”。e. g.

It's thousand pities that the little hero was killed.


(4)What a pity+(that-clause)意为太可惜/遗憾了”。e. g.

What a pity you can't go to China with us.


2. Yes, but none of the banks I spoke to were interested.


(1)句中I spoke to是定语从句,修饰先行词banks。

(2)上句中none意为“没有一个”,常用搭配为none of。当none of. . . 作主语时,其后的谓语动词可以是单数,也可以是复数。e. g.

①None of us are(is) perfect. 我们大家并非十全十美。

②None of the letters have(has) been answered. 一封信都没有回。

(3)none可表示数量或程度上的“一点也没有”,常用于回答以how many, how much 开头的问句。e. g.

①-How many books are there in the box? 箱子里有多少书?



②-How much water in the glass? 杯子里有多少水?



3. And you'll have another supporter in me.


in在本句中表示supporter与me是同一个人,表同位格。介词in是“即……”的意思。e. g.

We found a very good teacher in him. 我们发现他是一个很好的教师。



wish congratulate though pity invite the three of us make an effort be tired of plan cost none drop in on/at forgive come round help out earn a living owe supporter drink to


1. I wish you every success in the future.


句中wish表祝愿用wish+sb. +名词结构。e. g.

①We wish you a safe journey. 祝你一路平安。

②Wish you a happy birthday. 祝你生日快乐。



(1)wish sth. /sb+形容词/副词 祝愿/希望。e. g.

We sincerely wish you happy. 我们衷心祝愿你快乐/幸福。

(2)wish sb. +不定式. 希望某人……。e. g.

We'll do whatever the Party wishes us to do. 党叫我们做什么就做什么。

2. I'm afraid I'm still not very good at it, though.


句中though可作从属连词,引导让步状语从句,也可作副词用。本句中though用作副词,意为“虽然,但是”。e. g.

①Though it was very late, he went on working. 虽然很晚了,他还继续工作。

②I would not like to go to the ball, though they will invite me to. 我不想去跳舞,可是他们要请我去。



although意为“虽然”,语气较为正式。though一般可和although互换。though可出现在主句之后。e. g.

①Although/Though it was so cold, he went out without coat.


②They are generous though they are poor. 他们虽然很穷,却很慷慨。

3. . . . but I'm getting very tired of travelling.


句中“get/be tired of”意为“厌倦”。e. g.

①He got/was tired of reading. 他读书读厌了。

②Many people are tired of city life now. 现在很多人厌倦了城市的生活。


be tired of与be tired with/from

be tired of意为“对……感到厌烦”;be tired with/from意为“因……而劳累”。e. g.

①I'm tired of that man. 我对那人感到很厌烦。

②I was very tired with/from running. 跑步使我感到很疲倦。

4. Unfortunately it will cost a lot of money.


句中cost意为“花费,使付出代价”等。cost的过去式和过去分词均为cost;动词cost后接名词,代词作宾语,也可接双宾语。e. g.

①The house cost him £ 3, 000. 此屋花了他三千英磅。

②Careless driving may cost your life. 粗心驾车可能使你丧命。

③The book costs too much. 这本书价钱太贵。


cost, spend & take

(1)cost指主语付出的或需要的代价、精力、时间等;cost只能以事物作主语,绝不能以人作主语,常接两个宾语,不能用于被动结构中。e. g.

The book cost me ten yuan. 这本书我花了10元。

(2)spend “花费(时间、精力、财力等)”,行为的主体是人。常用句型为spend in doing,或spend on sth。e. g.

I spend ten yuan on/in buying the book. 这本书我花了10元。

(3)take常具有“需要,占用(空间、时间或精力)”的意思。其常用句型为It takes sb. some time to do sth。e. g.

It took me three hours to write the composition.


5. I've just arrived myself, so forgive me if I don't seem to know what's going on.


句中动词forgive意为“原谅,宽恕”。e. g.

①Will you forgive my mistake? 你能原谅我的过失吗?

②I forgave him for coming late. 我原谅了他的迟到。


(1) forgive sb. for sth. 或forgive sb. for doing sth意为“原谅/宽恕某人所做的 ……”。e. g.

I forgive you for your rudeness/for being rude. 我原谅你的鲁莽。

(2)区别excuse, pardon和forgive。

excuse的语气较轻,表示一般的“原谅”,常用于口语中;forgive和pardon的口气较强,意为“赦免,宽恕”,在普通的用法中带有“免于惩罚或追究”的意思,二者一般可通用。e. g.

①I'll excuse you this time. 这次我原谅你。

②I hope you will forgive/pardon me this time. 希望你这次能宽恕我。

6. I owe you some money. 我还欠你一些钱。

句中owe作及物动词,意为“欠(钱)”等。常用结构为:owe sth. to sb. 或owe sb. sth. 。 e. g.

①I owed 200 yuan to my brother. 我欠我兄弟200元钱。

②Mary owed me 50 yuan for that dictionary.




e. g.

①We owe a great deal to our parents and teachers.


②To whom do we owe the discovery of penicillin?


7. What does the total bill come to?


(1)句中动词短语come to意为“共计”,后面可接数字。e. g.

The total bill comes to fifty-seven yuan, eighty fen.


(2)come to还有“到达,来到,归结于”的意思。e. g.

①He came to my house last night. 他昨晚到我家来了。

②If he makes these experiments, he will come to the necessary conclusion.


③What you say comes to this. 你所说的就是这样。


come to后接名词或代词与come to do前者表示“到达,归结于”之意,而come to do则表示“(事情)演变到……,终至于……”之意。e. g.

①In time you will come to know the meaning of what I said.


②How in the world did he come to be chosen as captain?

到底他是怎样被选为队长的? 【单元知识纲要】

类 别

语 言 项 目

词 汇

wish, though, pity, invite, the three of us, be tired of, none, drop in on, come, drink to



I wish you every success in the future.

I'm afraid I'm still not very good at it, though.

It's a pity you missed the sports meeting last night.

语 法




★例 1________,I thought of going fishing.

A.In the moment B.At a moment

C.For a moment D.In a moment

导析:in a moment用于表示将来的时态中,for a moment表示“片刻,一会儿”,其余两项则无此用法。答案:C

★★例2 I love to go to the seaside in summer. It _________good to lie in the sun or swim in the cool sea

A.does B.feels

C.gets D.makes

导析:本题考查对动词的辨析能力。根据此题提供的句子结构,可以判断空白处应填系动词,可排除A、D两项。get在句中作系动词是表示某种状态的变化。feel作系动词用时的一个释意是:to give a sensation给人以某种感觉。例如:How does it feel to be a teacher?It feel good to be a teacher.(当个老师给人什么感觉?当老师给人的感觉很好的)。此题解题思路为分析法与排除的综合运用。答案:B



--You were brave enough to raise objections at the meeting.

--Well, now I regret __________that.

A.to do B.to be doing

C.to have done D.having done

导析:该题考查非谓语动词做宾语的区别。regret to do表示的动作发生在regret之后,regret doing或regret having done则表示do的动作发生在regret之前。根据语境可以看出“I”对在会议上提反对意见很后悔,所以空白处应用ing形式。答案:D

★★例 2 The experiment was __________easier than we had expected.

A.more B.much more

C.much D.more much

导析:该题考查的是形容词、副词的比较级前修饰比较级得副词用法。只要能正确理解句意“这次试验比我们预料的要容易的多”就能做出正确的判断。但往往同学们记住了much more+多音节形容词/副词原级,所以不细心审题很容易选错,误选B项。答案:C


★★★例1 (1993年,全国)I was disappointed with the film, I had expected _________to be much better.

A.that B.this

C.one D.it

导析:该题考查了代词指代前面出现过的一个名词时,多用it来表示。句意为“我对这部影片很失望,我原来估计它会更好看一些。”答案:D★★★例2(1995年,全国)I hope there are enough glasses for each guest to have_________.

A.it B.those

C.then D.one

导析:本题考查代词的用法。但此处表示的是one of the glasses之意,只能用one。答案:D



Bicycle tour(旅行) and race

A bike tour and race will be held on August 26 and 27(Sat. & Sun. ). At 5∶30 am, the rides will leave Tian'anmen Square and ride the first 35kilometres as a training leg. Then the next 55kilometre leg, from Yanjiao, will be the first competitive(竞争性的) part of the tour. The riders and their bikes will then be taken from Jixian to Changli.

The second racing leg of the tour will be from Changli to the seaside of Nandaihe, covering a distance of 20kilometres. Saturday night includes the stay at Nandaihe and sunday. Sunday morning is free for play at the seaside At noon all the people and their bikes will be taken back to Beijing.

Cost: 200 yuan

Telephone: 64675027

Brazilian footballers

The Brazilian Football Club will play Beijing Guo'an Team at the Workers Stadium on August 26. The club has four national team plays. Also coming is 1994 US World Cup star Romario who has promised to play for at least 45 minutes.

Ticket prices: 60, 100, 150 yuan

Time/Date: 4∶30 pm, August 26(Sat)

Telephone: 65012372

Rock climbing

The Third National Rock Climbing Competition will be held on August26-27 at the Huairou Mountain climbing Training Base. More than 10 teams from Beijing, Wuhan , Dalian, Jilin and other places will take part in it. A Japanese team will give an exhibition climbing. Free for spectators(观众) Take a long distance bus from Dong zhimen to Huairou.

Time/Dates: 9-12am, August 26 and 27

Telephone: 67143177, 6744850, Wang Zhenghua

1. The main purpose of announcing the above events is to give information about .

A. visiting teams. B. famous players

C. things to do for the weekend D. prices to pay for the sports evens

解析 这是一道细节题。只要考生抓住三项赛事的时间Auguest 26 and 27和第一条括号中的(Sat. Sun)这些关键的信息词,便可得出C是该题的最佳答案。

2. If you take part in the bike tour, you will ride for .

A. 35 kilometres B. 55 kilometres

C. 75 kilometres D. 110 kilometres

解析 该题考查考生的计算能力,只要将第一项赛事中的三个数字相加,便可得出D是正确答案。

3. The underlined word “leg” in “Bicycle tour and race”probably means .

A. race B. practice

C. part of the training D. part of the tour

解析 该题要求考生在理解文章大意的基础上猜测划线部分的词 义。长达110公里的自行车旅行和竞赛共分三部分。第一段路程为训练,故D为最佳答案。

4. What is special about the rock climbing competition?

A. A foreign team takes part in it.

B. You can watch it without paying.

C. You don't have to be a sportsman to take part.

D. The bus trip to the place of the competition is free.

解析 这是一道细节题,答案是B。然而,考生的答题情况尚不理想。其原因是没有抓住题干中competition这一关键词,而错选了A。文中的A Japanese team will give an exhition climbing. 是指攀登表演,而不是比赛。而选D的考生是没能理解free一词的含义是“免费”。

5. If you want to find something to do for Saturday afternoon, which telephone number will you call?

A. 64675027 B. 67143177

C. 65012372 D. 67144850

解析 这是一道细节题。在三项赛事中,唯一在周六下午举 行的只有巴西和北京国安队的足球赛,而其它两项赛事均历时两天。故C为正确答案。


Lesson 94

2. 1)Being very brave, he went into the cave alone to seek the treasure.

2)Being quite ill, she had to give up the chance of going on a picnic.

3)Being a prisoner, he can't live a normal life as we do.

4)The girls attending the sick all come from the countryside.

5)Hearing the music, he began to get homesick.

6)Seeing the flame on top of the mountain, they knew that another battle would begin soon.

7)Driving to the airport, he hit a boy on a bike.

8)Having got married, he lived separately from his parents.

说明:2. 1) Being very brave,原句是系表结构,改为分词短语后,在句中作原因状语。

8)after he got married,是时间状语从句。它的时间发生在主句的谓语之前,因此用现在分词的完成式改写。

3. 1)of→about; playing→play 2)去掉so; in→of

3)where→which; opened→open 4)去掉as if;去掉but

5)no→none; spoke后面加to

6)tired→tiring; 第二个to改为up

7)Drop后面加in; are→will

说明:1)read. . . about“读到有关……的情况”,a lot是副词短语,相当于much,作状语,修饰动词read。而a lot of是形容词短语,后面跟名词。

3)which we are planning to start是定语从句,修饰school。start是及物动词,作“开办”“创办”解,which指代school,同时在定语从句中作start的宾语,因此,此处不能用where。

5)no是形容词,不被of the banks修饰,因此改为none, none是代词。

Lesson 95

2. 1)乐于助人者总是主动帮助他人。


3)样样都做等于不做。 4)爱叫的狗不咬人。

5)节省就是获得。 6)莫惹睡狗(莫惹是非)。


8)覆水难收。 9)说是一回事,做是另一回事。


3. 1)pulling 2)Owing 3)rolling 4)tearing

5)tiring 6)Playing 7)Lacking 8)practising

说明:5)baby-sitting是“照看婴孩”的意思。To do baby-sitting 是动词不定式作主语。a tiring job=a job that is tiring “令人厌烦的工作”。

【有关"Unit 24 Mainly Revision" 的教学设计】

教学设计1. g2u24 Mainly Revision 教案



Ⅰ. 词汇学习

tie , chain , haircut , pin , secretary , forgive , owe , trick , roll , tear ( v ) , wish…every success , congratulate… on , help…out , insist on , painter , repay , play a trick on , be tired of .

Ⅱ. 交际英语 (复习下列交际用语)

1 . 谈论天气的用语:

It's a beautiful day today .

It is a bit…today , isn't it?

Tomorrow will turn out fine .

2 . 表示决意的用语:

I've decided……

I'd rather ( not ) have……

I'd prefer them ( not ) to……

3 . 表示祝贺或祝愿的用语:

I'd like to congratulate you ( on…… )

I wish you every success .

Ⅲ. 语法学习


一般说来,英语倒装有两个原因:一是语法结构的需要;一是为了强调。在需要倒装的各种 句型中,有时主语和谓语并不需要倒装,现归纳如下。

※ 在特殊疑问句中,若疑问词作主语,主谓不倒装。如:

What happened to Yang Pei?

※ 在特殊疑问句中,若疑问词修饰主语,主谓不倒装。如:

Whose books are on the teacher's desk?

※ 陈述式疑问句主谓不倒装。如:

You don't know the way?

※ 在某些感叹句中主谓不倒装。如:

How he worked!

※ 以 here , there , off , up , down 等副词开头的句子,若主语为代词时,主谓语不倒 装。

Here you are .

Off they ran to school .

※ 当 only 位于句首修饰主语时,主谓不倒装。如:

Only girls can do it well .

※ 当 not only…but also… 位于句首连接两个并列主语时,主谓不倒装。如:

Not only he but also I am from the south . 不仅他是而且我也是南方人。

※ 把副词 so 提前,如果两句的主语相同,且后者只是进一步肯定前者,so 后面的语序不 必倒装。如:

-He works hard . 他学习很努力。

-So he does . 是很努力。

※ 以 so 开头,表示“也”时,特别是在“so it + be + with + 名词 ( 代词 ) ”句型中, 主谓不倒装。如:

Men can't live without air and water . So it is with animals and plants .

※ 直接引语的一部分或全部位于句首,如果主语是人称代词,主谓不倒装。如:

-I don't want to be examined , he answered .

-Let me be .






【关于“Unit 24 Mainly Revision”的常见问题】

常见问题1: Unit 24 Mainly Revision


The moment the bus topped, the old lady .

A. was helped out B. was taken out

C. helped out D. held out


分析 A。由句意可知,lady与help out为动宾关系,所以用被动,其他选项不合题意或不合语法。

常见问题2: Unit 24 Mainly Revision


As a driver he must different kinds of traffic signs.

A. tell B. say C. read D. see


分析 C。read在此意为“看懂”。

常见问题3: Unit 24 Mainly Revision


-How do you like the small town?

-It couldn't have been worse and it is the place I have to go.

A. first B. best C. last D. next


分析 C。the last place在此意为“最不愿去的地方”。其他选项均无此意,由上下文可知。