SEFC高三Unit 6 Mainly Revision

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Unit 6 Mainly Revision





remind, throw away, get rid of, treat, break up, break down, seek, sort ,hand out, paints, make room for,toy,side by side, soap,

active adj. 积极的;主动的;敏捷的

hopeless adj. 绝望的;无望的

throw away 扔掉

deal with 处理

get rid of 摆脱

depend on 依靠; 视……而定

break up 分解(物理变化)

be active in 在……积极

make an active effort 努力

take out 拿出, 去掉

compared with 与……比较

clean up 收拾; 整理

take up 吸收(水分); 溶解(固体)


1)No matter how much you want to bathe, it just isn't safe.

2)Waste must be treated so that it does not become a danger to life.

3)It will be years before +从句.

3.日常交际用语 复习第1~5单元出现的日常交际用语

I'd rather do sth. I'd rather not do sth. I'd

Can I have some more chalk?

Well done.That's very good.

I (don't)like...

I'd like to do... I would hate to...

I hate doing sth.


Revision of Past Participle, the V- ing Form and Noun Claues.


Rewrite the story in different persons.


Lesson 21

Step 1 Revision

1 Check the homework exercises.

2 Give the Ss a quick oral quiz to see how much the Ss remember about the sea.

Tell the name of two large oceans.What is the sea between Europe and Africa ?

Where is the Dead Sea ? Where is the saltiest lake in the world ?

Where is the world's longest coral bed ?

Step 2 Presentation

SB Page 31,Part 1. Teach the new world waste.Ask questions about the picture,and get the Ss to tell what they think is happening.

Step 3 Reading

Get the Ss read the dialogue silently and find out this information:

What are the school children going to look for ?

What are they planning to do after this ?

What is the problem ?

Step 4 Deal with some language points


party(n.)除表示"党","娱乐性的聚会,晚会"外,还作"(进行某活动的)一伙人"解( =a group of people doing something together),a party of+n.意为一伙……。如:

①We must follow the party line. 我们应遵循党的路线。

②That is why I am giving this party tonight.


③ A party of school children is going to France. 一群学生正前往法国。

④Half-way up the mountain we met another party of people climbing down.


⑤ A rescue party has been sent out to bring back the injured workers.


⑥There are twenty in all in the party travelling in Nanjing.



gather既可用作及物动词,意为"使聚集"(=cause to come together);"采集(花等)"(=pick[flowers,etc.]);"收(庄稼等)";也可用作不及物动词,意为"聚集,集合"(=come together)。例如:

①The teacher gathered the students around him.


②We are gathering materials to get ready for an article.


③They are gathering flowers in the garden. 他们在花园里采花。

④We usually help the peasants to gather the rice.


⑤Many people gathered to listen to the speech.


3. Let me remind you what we are looking for.我来提醒大家一下我们要找的东西。

remind vt. - to make someone think about something they might have forgotten提醒;使人们想起(可能忘记的事)

If I forget, please remind me.如果我忘了,请提醒我。

Please remind me that I must call him up before noon.请提醒我在中午之前给他打个电话。

4. I suppose it's better to be safe than sick.我想平安总比生病好。

suppose 意为"想,认为,猜测";(同义词:think, guess)

I suppose that is my fault.我想那是我的错。

I don't suppose I'll trouble you again.我想我不会再来麻烦你了。

He supposed it was too late to change his mind.他想改变主意已为时太晚。

Who could have supposed you were going to do such a thing?



You don't mind my smoking, I suppose?我想你不介意我抽支烟吧?

What do you suppose that dance is?你认为那是什么舞蹈?

5.It looks as if/as though +clause结构中look是连系动词,意为看起来,似乎,后面的从句中谓语多用直陈语气,有时也可用虚拟语气。如:

①It looks as if they are all in a terrible hurry. 看上去他们极为匆忙。

②It looks as if it is going to rain. 看上去天要下雨。

③It looks as though we shall have to do the work ourselves.


④It looks as if he didn't know anything about the secret.


▲sb. +look as if/as though+clause意为某人看上去,似乎……,后面的从句谓语多用虚拟语气,也可以用直陈语气。如:

①He looked as though he were from the country.


②You look as if you didn't care. 你似乎并不在乎。(实际上你很在乎)

▲look(link-v. )后面除接as if/as though从句外,还常接形容词、分词、名词、介词短语等作表语。如:

①He was not a very big man, but he looked strong.


②He looked startled when his nephew came in.


③He looked a perfect fool. 他看上去是个大傻瓜。

④You looked in splendid health. 你看上去健康状况极佳。

⑤She looked to be a young woman of twenty. 她看上去有二十来岁。

⑥The weather does not look like clearing up. 天气看来不会晴朗。 +not +adj. /adv. +enough +动词不定式结构意为某人、某物不够……,(以致)不能……。如:

①The boy is not old enough to go to school. (= The boy is too young to go to school. )小男孩未到上学年龄。

②She didn't run fast enough to catch up with you. (=She ran too slowly to catch up with you. )她跑得不够快,赶不上你。

③The coat is not large enough for you to wear. (=The coat is too small for you to wear. )外套太小,你穿不上。

▲如果这个结构中去掉not,则成了sb. /sth. +adj. /adv. +enough +动词不定式,意为某人、某物足以……,(以致)能……。如:

①We were fortunate enough to get an empty car.


②I stayed long enough to make certain that the house was absolutely empty.


7.It+seems+ that-clause结构表示判断或猜测,意为看来(着重在从实际情况看来)。如:

①It seems that nobody knew what had happened.


②It seems (that) he was late for the train. 看来他误了火车。

③It seemed to him that he had never worked so hard in his life.


④It would seem (=It seems) that something is wrong. 看上去似乎有点毛病。

⑤It seemed that life for her was rather hard. 看来她当时生活很艰难。

It +seems +as if/as though +clause结构和刚刚论述的结构意义和用法差不多。如:

①It seems as if there will be an election soon. 看来不久将进行选举。

②It seems as if we shall have to walk home. 看来我们得步行回家。

③It seems as if you are the first one here. 看来你似乎是第一个来客。

▲seem(link-v. )后面除接that-clause或as if(as though)-clause外,还常接形容词、分词、名词、介词短语等作表语。如:

①She does not seem likely to get it from you.


②She always seemed well pleased, happy and contented.


③This seems to me a glorious life.


④You seem in high spirits, Mary. 你看上去情绪很高,玛丽。

8.词组no matter意为不管、无论,后面常跟who,what,when,where,how等连用,相当于whoever,whatever,whenever,wherever,however等,引出让步状语从句。如:

①No matter who knocks, don't open the door. (=Whoever knocks, don't open the door. )不论谁敲门,你都不要开。

②No matter what happened, he would not say a word.(=Whatever happened, he would not say a word.)不论发生什么事,他都将保持沉默。

③No matter where you go, I'll go with you. (=Wherever you go, I'll go with you. ) 不管你上那儿,我都跟你去。

④No matter how loudly he shouted, he wouldn't be heard.(=However loudly he shouted, he wouldn't be heard.)无论他如何大声叫嚷,都不能使别人听

○5No matter how late he goes to bed, he always gets up early.


○6No matter who attend the conference, I'd like to stay at home.


○7No matter what you say, I won't believe you.


○8No matter how hard she worked, she couldn't satisfy her teacher.


○9No matter where you go, you must work hard.


Step 5 Practice

SB Page 31,Part 2.Practise the sentences orally with the whole class.Then demonstrate how Ss can use the phrases

on the right to replace the words in bold to make new sentences.

Step 6 Workbook

Wb Lesson 21,Exx.2 and 3.

Step 7 Consolidation

Get the Ss to practise the dialogue in pairs.See if they can do this with their books shut.

Step 8 Homework

Finish off the Workbook exercises.

Lesson 22

Step 1 Revision

1 Check the homework exercises.

2 Revise the dialogue in Lesson 21,paying special attention to internation.

Step 2 Pre-reading discussion

SB Page 32 The purpose of this phase is to make Ss aware of how much rubbish is produced and thrown away.

Demonstrate by making a list on the blackboard of the rubbish which is thrown away in your own house.

Step 3 Presentation

Get the Ss to talk about the picture and describe what they can see.

Step 4 Deal with some language points


1)adj.荒芜的,无法利用的 waste land荒地

waste-paper-basket字纸篓,waste products废物

2)waste[U] n.废物,浪费。例如:

①With the development of modern agriculture and industry more and more waste is produced.


②There's too much waste in this house. 这一家人太浪费了。


It's a waste of time/money/speech. 例如:

①It's a waste of time to wait any longer.


②It's a waste of your speech talking to him.


3)waste vt.浪费。例如:

①We mustn't waste a drop of water or a grain of rice.


②All his efforts were wasted. 他全部努力都白费了。


waste sth . on(doing) sth . 在某事上浪费。

waste time (in) doing浪费时间做某事。例如:

①He wasted much of his time and money on playing cards.


②Don't waste time talking to him, he won't change his plan.


2. How to get rid of waste is a great problem for the world today.

get rid of除掉,摆脱,排除、摆脱、处理掉

①We must get rid of the bad habits. 我们必须去掉坏习惯。

②We must get rid of all our worries and have a good rest.


③How can I get rid of my toothache?


He cant' get rid of the cold.

④They asked us to get rid of these old cars.


⑤He is always troubling me. How can I get rid of him?


⑥We'd better get rid of these old books and newspapers.


3. In many countries with sea coasts, human waste is poured directly into the sea without being treated.在许多有海岸的国家,人类的粪便没经过处理就直接投入了大海。


He went to work without his breakfast.他没吃早饭就上班去了。

She passed by without saying hello to me.她走了过去,竟然没跟我打声招呼。

Tom entered the room without being seen by anyone.汤姆在谁也没看见的情况下进了屋

without[wi'Jaut] 后跟-ing的被动式,作方式状语,表示"未经/被……"的意思。例如:

①He left the classroom without being permitted.


②She walked away from home on a dark night without being seen.


③He was lucky; he escaped from the burning house without being injured.


4. Although the sea breaks up the waste, beaches may become polluted and may not be safe to eat.虽然海水可分解废物,但海滩会被污染,鱼吃起来也会不安全。

break up意为"驱散"(=scatter),"打碎、拆散"(=separate or become separated into parts by breaking)。例如:

①The police came and broke up the meeting.


② The meeting broke up in great confusion.


③The ship was breaking up on the rock.


④Where the soil becomes too hard , we break it up.


⑤Sentences can be broken up into clauses, and clauses into phrases.

句子可以分成从句,从句有可分成短语。 against的用法

be against意为"反对;违背"(=be in opposition to)。例如:

①He was strongly against slavery.


②Anyone who is against the plan raise your hand.


③It's against our school rules for the girl students to wear necklace.


④Mary got married to Tom. It was against her parent's wishes.


⑤It is against your promise to go on smoking.


【注意】be for意为"赞成"(=to support,to say yes to)。例如:

①Are you for the proposal or against it?


②The young people were strongly against the old teaching methods.


③Is he for giving up the plan for travelling?


6.break down的用法

break down意为"分解"。例如:

①It is not easy to break down plastics and other similar rubbish.


②Sugar and starch are broken down in the stomach.


③Water can be broken down into hydrogen and oxygen. 水可以分解成氢和氧。

▲break down 意为"坏了"。例如:

①When the pumps the broke down, they would repair them for us.


②Their equipment frequently broke down.


7. Other waste may be thrown into the sea, either 19 kilometers from land, or more than 40 kilometers from land, depending on the nature of the materials.其他的废物可以倒入海中,或者离陆地19公里,或者离陆地40公里,这取决于材料的性质。

depend on依靠(=rely on);依赖;视……而定

Children depend on their parents for food and clothing.儿女们依赖他们的父母供给衣食。

①The price of the computer depends on the quality.


Price depends on the quality.价格依质量而定。

②Whether he can go to attend the meeting or not depends on the weather.


Whether we'll go camping or not this weekend depends on the weather.


③Their success depends on their continuing effort.



seek[si:k]意为"企图,试图"(=to try;to make an attempt)。例如:

①We've never sought to hide our views.


②They are seeking to attain the most advanced technological levels in the world.


③It was no use seeking to persuade him to give up smoking.


④We sought to change his mind but we failed.


【注意】 seek还可以表示"征求,寻求,谋求,追求"。例如:

①Most men seek wealth; all men seek happiness.


②Our purpose was to seek friendship and cooperation.


③You should seek advice from your parents on this problem.


④He who seeks trouble never misses.


9. The problem of dealing with waste has become so great that several international organizations have been set up to protect the world and to fight against pollution.处理废物的问题变得如此重要以至于现在已经建立了好几个国际组织,来保护世界和与污染作斗争。

deal with对付;处理;与……打交道;论述;涉及


① I don't know how to deal with the problem.


②At the beginning of this term, we'll have many difficulties to deal with.


③That matter needs to be dealt with. 那件事需要处理了。

▲deal with还可以作"对待;对付"解。例如:

④The old lady is hard to deal with. 那个老太太很难对付。

⑤What is the best way of dealing with the cruel enemy?


【注意】deal with 还可以作"论述或谈论(某问题)"解。例如:

①This book deals with problems of pollution.


②He made a speech at the conference, dealing with folk music.


That matter has already been dealt with.那件事已经处理了。

The sick man was difficult to manage, but the nurse dealt with him all right.


The article deals with the housing problem.这篇文章论述了住房问题。

10.She has also been very active in protecting the environment.

be active in在……方面积极

He is always active in politics.他总是积极从事于政治。

She has been very active in helping those disabled children.她一直积极致力于帮助残疾孩子。

Step 5 Reading aloud

Play the tape of the text for the Ss to listen and follow.

Step 6 Text and activity

Introduce the next passage by miming the activity of throwing sth. away.

A throw-away society is a country which throws away a lot of rubbish.


The purpose of the activity is to develop the idea contained in the last Paragraph.

Get the Ss to work in groups of four and to caculate the rubbish totals for China.

Step 7 Workbook

Wb Lesson 22 Exx.1-4.

Step 8 Homework

Read the passages again and answer the questions in Ex. 1 without looking at the book.

Finish off the Wb exercises. Do Ex.2 as written work.

Lesson 23

Step 1 Revision

1 Check the homework exercises.

2 Do a brainstorm with the class.Ask for diferent types of rubbish that are thrown away and make a list on the Bb. Ask for different ways of dealing with the waste.

Step 2 Presentation for reading

Get the Ss to look at the picture and get the Ss to tell what they think is happening.

Step 3 Reading

Let the Ss read the passage carefully.Go through it with the Ss and deal with any languages .




①We should reuse the waste paper in order to save a lot of money.


②Retell the story in your own words. 用你自己的话重讲这个故事。

③The waste water can be recycled. 废水可以再循环使用。

④He used to get up very early. 他过去常常早起。

⑤We have already been used to the country life.


⑥You will soon get used to living in the countryside.


⑦Use your head, then you will have a good idea.


⑧It's useful for us to get some information about the computer.


⑨It's no use crying over split milk.




①The thief jumped into a car and made his escape.


②He reads adventure stories as an escape.



①They escaped from the burning house.


②Some gas is escaping from the pipe. 煤气正从管道逸出。

▲当escape表示"逃避,避免"解时,后面要接 V-ing形式。例如:

①He narrowly escaped being drowned. 他差一点被淹死了。

Step 4 Discussion

Read aloud these questions.Then put the Ss in groups of four to discuss them.

Step 5 Practice

Go through the example with the Ss and show them what they have to do .


1 Disappointed with the results of the experiment, she started a new one.

2 Separated at birth, the twins do not know each other.

3 Ruined by a bad business deal,he had to sell the house.

4 Being sentenced to death,Charles Darnay felt hopeless.

5 I love bread freshly baked. I love freshly-baked bread.

6 The city,defended by an army of 6,000 men,was difficult to take.

7 The precious necklace,stolen by a thief,was never found.

8 We found a beautifully dressed lady.

9 Defeated but still alive,they mangaed to escape in a boat.

Step 6 Practice

Do the first one with the whole class.


1 What 2 why 3 where 4 How many 5 Whether 6 how 7 Who

8 that 9 whether 10 how many

Step 7 Workbook Wb Lesson 23 Exx.1-3.

Step 8 Homework

Finish off the homework exercises.

Do the exercise in Part 5 of the SB as written work.

Read the passage in Lesson23 and tell the main idea of it.

Lesson 24

Teaching Aims

1. Review the grammatical points and useful expression appearing from Unit 1 to Unit 5.

2. Do some listening.

Teaching Important points

1. Train the students'ability of listening.

2. The grammatical points.

Teaching steps

Step 1 Revision

1.Check the homework exercises.

2.Discuss about waste and pollution,using the questions in Wb Lesson 22,Ex.1 and Part 2 in SB Page 34.

Step 2. Checkpoint 6

Revise the grammar points in this unit.

1.take up的用法

take up意为"对……有兴趣,从事(某事)(作为嗜好、事业等)"(=interest oneself in; engage in sth. [as a hobby. business etc.])。例如:

①His father takes up computers.


②They seem to be very much taken up with stamps.




①We must stop the disease (from) spreading.


②I had to think of a way stopping him from following me around all the morning.


③This stopped the development of their own industries.


【注意】类似 stop sb./sth. from doing sth. 结构的有: prevent sb. /sth. from doing sth. (这其中的from常可省略,但在被动句中则决不能省略。);keep sb./sth. from doing sth. (其中的 from不可省略,否则一省略,意思正相反)。


①There's nothing that prevents you (from) going to bed if you want to.


②The heavy rain didn't keep them from watching the football match.


③The heavy rain didn't keep them watching the football match.


④Hearing the words, he couldn't keep from laughing.


3.clean up/clear up/tidy up (=put in order; make clean or tidy)意为:"清理;整理"。例如:

①You should always clean up after a picnic.


②He cleared up his room before they arrived.


③Clear/Tidy up the desk before you leave the office, will you?


④I have to tidy myself up a bit. 我得梳理一下。

4.compared to 的用法

compared to 意为"和……比起来;与……相比"解。例如:

①VCD production this year increased by 50% compared to the last year.


②Compared to 1997, the price of the computer has been reduced by 50%.


③Compared to many other students, he was lucky enough.


④It is a big place now compared to what it used to be.



1. 辨析gather与collect:



gather flowers 采集花 gather one's ideas together集中思想。


collect money: 筹募资金 gather money 攒钱。

2. 辨析seek 与search:


seek指对高目标或抽象事物的追求。如:seek knowledge渴望知识。


The police searched his house. 警察搜查了他的房子。

3. 辨析rubbish与refuse:



The refuse was unloaded at the city dump. 垃圾倾倒在城市的垃圾场上。


Put the rubbish into the fire. 把垃圾烧掉。 He talked a lot of rubbish. 他说了一大堆废话。

4. 辨析sort of与a sort of:

sort of是口语用语,只能作状语,放在所修饰的动词、形容词前,表示"有几分,有点儿"。

I sort of thought you might do it. 我有几分料到你会这么做。

a sort of 只作定语,表示"一种……"。如: a new sort of radio 一种新型收音机。

Step 3. Listening

Listening Cassette Unit 6.Do each exercises in turn. Play the tape, then let Ss discuss their answers in pairs, play the tape again if necessary, then check the answer with the whole class.

Step 4. Word study

Get the Ss to do this exercises individually, then check their answers in pairs. Go through the answers at the end.


1. rubbish 2. solid 3. sank 4. techniques

5. seek 6. rid 7. active 8. gloves

9. tins 10. sort

Step 5. Workbook

Do exercises on workbook.

Step 6. Homework

Finish off the workbook exercises.


1. You had better make a mark which you have any questions. (which-where)

2. The girl spent as much as she could go over her lessons. (go-going)

3. You’re spending your time trying to persuade him,he’ll never join us. (spending-wasting)

4. The fact has to be faced where the nearest filling station is 30 kilometers away. (where-that)

5. It’s time you going to pick up your daughter from school. (going-went)

6. Dr.Black comes from either Oxford or Cambridge,I can’t remember where. (where-which)

7. I won’t go to the party unless inviting to. (inviting-invited)

8. Only can he answer the question. (can he-he can)

9. It was in the street where he had his pocket picked. (where-that)

10. Look.They are practicing dancing on the music. (on-to)