外研版九年级上册M11语法 导学案(外研版英语九年级)

发布时间:2016-9-14 编辑:互联网 手机版



★ 定冠词the的用法口诀

1. The girl with glasses is my sister. (特指)

2. I found a pictuer on the desk, the pictuer was very beautiful. (上文提及)

3. The sun is bigger than the moon. (独一无二)

4. There is a factory in the east of this city. (方位)

5. Do you like playing the piano or vilion?(乐器)

6. I’m looking forward to visiting the Great Wall and the Summer Place.(专有名词)

7. The Smiths are watching TV.(复数姓氏)

8. The first truck is full of apples.(序数词)

9. He is the tallest boy in our class.(最高级)

10. in the morning, on the left, in the front of, at the same time……(习惯用法)

11. The old should be respected. The rich aren’t all happy. (一类人)

★ 零冠词


如:Asia(亚洲), Russia(俄罗斯), Mount Blance(勃朗峰), Lake Baikal(贝加尔湖),Chinese。


如:Sunday, July, spring, Christmas。


如:have supper, play chess, play football。


如:This/My /Li Ming’s book is cheap.


如:by bus, go to bed, go to school.

★ 以下有无冠词意义不同的词组

1. in front of, in the front of 2. go to school, go to the school 3.in hospital, in the hospital

4. at table, at the table 5. take place, take the place 6. on earth, on the earth



如: There is a table and four chairs in the room.房间里有一张桌子和四把椅子。


如:A mouse is much smaller than an elephant.老鼠比大象小得多。


如:Give me a book , please. 请给我一本书。


如:Take the medicine three times a day.


如:I’ve tried it three times, let me try a fourth time. 我已经试过三次了,让我再试一次吧。


如:have a cold,in a hurry , once upon a time, a lot of, at a time, a few, a bit ……

★ 选择a, an, the ,/ 填空。

1. ________ Browns were having dinner when the telephone rang.

2. S.H.E is _________ amazing band; the three singers have lots of fans.

3. This is ______ empty bottle; could you give me _______ full one?

4. She is ______ student, and she is ______ English girl.

5. ______ book on the desk is _______ useful one.

6. What _______ bad weather it was yesterday!

7. There is ______ bridge over the river. ______ bridge is made of stone.

8. Lily’s hobby is playing _______ violin, but playing _______basketball is Jim’s favorite.

9. March is ______ third month of the year.

10. Black broke his ______leg; he has just had _______X-ray examination. ______ doctor said he needed _______operation.

11. Although Jo is ______ 8-year-old boy, he has finished reading all the works of LuXun.

12. _______ fat should do more exercise and eat less meat.

13._____ sun is shining. What ______ fine day!

14. There is ______ big square in ______ center of our city.

15.That is _______old map , but it’s still useful.