Unit 21 Body Language Word study(人教版高一英语下册教案教学设计)

发布时间:2017-10-25 编辑:互联网 手机版

Step1 New words

1 avoid vt 避免,逃避

尽量避免危险/事故 Try to avoid ___________________

avoid doing sth

The schoolboy tried to avoid meeting with his teacher(与老师碰面).

2 contact n contact with sb / sth 接触 联系

get into contact with sb make contact with sb

be in contact with sb lose/ break contact with

他的手接触到了热的物体表面 His hand came into _______ ______ a hot surface.

Students must be brought ______ ______ _______ new ideas.

contact vt 联系 Where can I contact you?

3 lean forward / back / to the left / to the right

lean out of the window ________________

lean against/on sth

a ladder leans ________ the wall / lean the ladder ________ the wall

4 ahead of 位置/时间

在我们前面有条河。 There was a river _______ _____ us.

我提前十分钟到了。I arrived ten minutes ______ ______ time.

5 manage -- control 控制,管理,经营

The hotel is badly managed.

manage to do sth 设法做到= succeed in doing sth

was able to do sth

我及时赶到了。I ______ ______ ______ (get) there in time.

It's such a big cake. I don't think I can manage it by myself.(吃掉)

6 vary These coats vary in size /color.

vary form ... to ... The weather sometimes vary _____ very cold ______ quite mild.

vary with ... The price varied ______ the season. _____________

7 crazy be crazy about 对….狂热

The boy is crazy about the singer.

8 part vt/vi 分开,分离 n 部分

The policemen parted the crowd. ____________________

Only a part of his story is true. _____________________

9 tear down (tear tore torn) 拆毁,拆卸

A story moved us to tears(眼泪)

They are tearing down these old houses to build a new office building.

Tear sth up / tear sth into pieces / tear sth from /off sth /

10 bend

The branch bent but didn’t broke when the baby climbed along it.

Bend over / bend to

Don’t bend your knees ___ your enemy.

She was bending ____ a basin.

11 hold up / hold on /

hold up 举起,拿起/举起展示;提出(作榜样)/阻碍或延误

Hold up (打电话时用语)请等一下,不要挂上/坚持

His son was held ___ as a model of hard work.

Road works on the high way are holding __ traffic.

Could you hold ___? I'll just see if the manager's in.

The student held ___ his hand to ask the teacher a question.

They managed to hold ___ until he arrived.

12 occur

Sth occur=Sth happen 发生

They said that the accident occurred / happened at midnight.

Sth occur to sb 某人突然想到 Sth happened to sb

我想到了一个好主意。 _________________________

You look unhappy. What __________ to you?

It occurred to sb that…/ to do sth.某人想起要做某事。

Didn’t it occur to you to close the window?

Sb happened to do sth____________ /It happened that ______________

13 get through 通过,完成,到达 / go through

They managed to ____ the bill through Congress.

The thieves were ________ _________ the contents of the bag.

Step2 Fill in the blanks

avoid / contact / manage / vary / part

occur / bend… to … / bend / … occur to / go crazy with

1 You can hardly _______ meeting her because you both work in the same office.

2 A number of changes _________ in the following years.

3 She _________ the money very well.

4 You should ______ your diet.

5 She _____ _______ ______ fear.

6 Touch your toes without _________ your knees.

7 He had to ______ himself ___ his father's will.

8 She has lost ________ with her son.

9 It ______ ___ me that we should go there more often.

10 The crowd _______and let us through.

Step3 Translate

1 请尽可能地避免错误。

2 学生们必须和先进的科学技术保持联系。

3 我提前一小时到了。

4 他终于完成了他的任务。

5 一开始,工程师不得不拆卸掉机器。

6 这辆卡车堵塞了交通。

7 小张突然想去喝杯饮料。

8 我碰巧认识路。