初二英语第二十三单元You mustn't play on the road !

发布时间:2017-11-18 编辑:互联网 手机版




Ⅰ. 词汇学习

hit , safe , care , if , always , pleased , visit , visitor , country , understand ( understood ) , interesting , back , slow , slowly , mistake , anything , take care , too…to , at last , at the head of , laugh at , cross , line , queue , hurt , waiting - room , hurt , in line , jump the queue , queue jumper



Ⅲ. 语法学习

1 . 熟悉掌握 must 的用法,并正确使用。

2 . 熟练掌握 when , before , after 引导的时间状语从句,注意动词的时态

3 . 熟练掌握 if 引导的条件状语从句,注意动词的时态。

Ⅳ. 交际英语

You mustn't play on the road .

You mustn't eat anything .

If you don't go soon , you'll be late .

If you aren't careful , a car may hit you .

When the lights are red , the car must stop .

Take care .

It's too…to…

Nice talking to you .

I don't feel very well .

My head hurts .

They are standing in line .

You must wait for your turn .



1 . hit 打,撞,击中

He hit the boy . 他打了那个孩子。

John hit his head on the door . 约翰把头撞在门上。

〖 点拨 〗“击中”或“打”某人某个部位时,英语习惯说:hit sb . on ( in , over ) the + 某个部位。部位前用定冠词 the。另外注意其过去式、过去分词和原形一样。

2 . cross 穿过,渡过,横过

〖 点拨 〗该词是动词也可是名词,不同于介词 across .

The teacher marked the wrongly spelled word with a cross . 教师在拼错了的单词上打个“×”。

3 . safe 安全的

Is this a safe place ? 这个地方安全吗 ?

〖 点拨 〗注意其名词为 safety , 不可数。

4 . care 照料,保护,小心

Please give more care to yourself .请多注意你自己的身体。

〖 点拨 〗该词也可作动词使用。

1 ) 关心,留心,计较

We care very much for learning English . 我们很热心学习英语。

2 ) 喜欢,愿意 ( 常用于否定句,疑问句和条件句中,后接不定式 )

Would you care to read this ? 你喜欢读这篇文章吗 ?

3)take care of照料。take good care of = look after well好好照料。

5 . too…to…… 而不能

〖 点拨 〗注意其中 to 表否定。

The water is too hot to drink . 水太热不能喝。

The child is too young to go to school . = The boy isn’t old enough to go to school . 那孩子还没到上学的年龄。

注意:be too glad (happy ) to do很高兴干…… 。

6 . if 如果,假如 ( 引导条件状语从句 )

〖 点拨 〗该词表“是否”引导宾语从句。

He will come to see you if he has time . 如果他有时间,他会来看你。

I don't know if the news is true . 我不知道这个消息是否确实。


If it will be fine tomorrow , we will go shopping . (错)

If it is fine tomorrow , we’ll go shopping .

7 . line 线,排,行

Draw a line under the word . 在这个单词下面划线。

〖 点拨 〗 be lined with排列着。The street is lined with students .

8 . queue 行列,长队

They are waiting in a queue . 他们在排队等候。

Mary is at the head of the queue . 玛丽站在排头。

Please don't jump t he queue . 请不要乱插队。

〖 点拨 〗该词相当于 line

9 . always 总是,一直

He was always asking for money . 他总是要钱。

10 . pleased 高兴的,满意的

I'll be pleased to help you . 我乐意帮助你。

〖 点拨 〗该词常修饰人构成“sb . be pleased to do ” .

He looked pleased . 他显得很高兴。

He was ( very ) much pleased at the news . 听到这个消息他非常高兴。

11 . visit 访问,参观,拜访

Mr Jones went to the town on a short visit . 琼斯先生到城里作了一次短暂的访问。

They are visiting in Beijing . 他们正在北京访问。

〖 点拨 〗该词可作名词及动词。注意比较下列句子:

They are visiting Beijing .

They have been on a visit to Beijing for a week .

12 . visitor 访问者,参观者

13 . understand 1 ) 懂得,理解,明白

〖 点拨 〗该词过去式、过去分词为 understood 。

I think people can understand me when I speak English . 我想我讲英语人们能听懂。

2 ) 听说,获悉

I understand that he is coming . 我听说他要来。

14 . interesting 有趣的,有意思的

The story is very interesting . 这个故事非常有趣。

〖 点拨 〗该词常修饰物。

I will tell you an interesting story . 我将给你们讲一个有趣的故事。


We are interested in that film .That is an interesting film . That film interested us very much .

15 . country 农村,乡村;国家

He likes to live in the country . 他喜欢在农村住。

What country does he come from ? 他是从那个国家来的 ?

16 . waiting - room 候车室,候诊室

They are waiting for the train in the waiting - room . 他们正在 ( 火车站 )候车室等火车。

〖 点拨 〗合成词。又如:reading-room阅览室。

More people are waiting in the waiting-room to see the doctor . 很多人在候诊室等着看医生。

17 . queue jumper 不按次序排队的人。

18 . back 背,背部,后面

She carried her school bag on her back . 她把书包背在背上。

〖 点拨 〗该词可作名词也可作形容词。back to back背靠背。at the back of在……的后面。There is a road at the back of our school .

Jackson's home is in the back street . 杰克逊的家在这条街的后面。

19 . hurt 伤害,刺伤,使疼痛

〖 点拨 〗该词过去式、过去分词和原形一样。也可作伤身体也可作伤感情,也可作名词。

The boy fell and hurt his back . 这孩子跌了一跤,摔伤了背。

Don't tell her that , It will be a hurt to her . 别告诉她这件事,会让她伤心的。

Your words hurt her feelings(感情).

20 . Indian 印度人 ( 的 ) ;印第安人 ( 的 )

Indians are very good at dancing and singing . 印度人能歌善舞。

〖 点拨 〗India印度。

21 . slow 慢的,迟钝的

〖 点拨 〗也可作动词“使慢”。

Your watch is five minutes slow . 你的表慢了五分钟。

The bus began to slow down . 公共汽车开始减速。

You had better slow down your car . 你最好放慢车速。

22 . slowly 缓慢地;慢慢地

Read more slowly , please . 请读得再慢一点。

23 . mistake 错误,误会

He hit me by mistake . 他误打了我。

You've made a mistake here , this 3 should be 5 . 这里你搞错了,这个3应为5。

( mistook , mistaken ) 弄错,搞错,误解

〖 点拨 〗该词可作动词

She mistook the road , and lost her way . 她走错了路,于是就迷路了。

24 . anything 任何事 ( 物 )

You can eat anything you like . 你愿意吃什么就吃什么。

〖 点拨 〗在疑问句、否定句、条件句中通常用 anything 来代替 something。


1 . look out 当心,注意

If you don't look out you'll hurt , yourself . 要是不当心,你会伤害自己。

“Look out ! ”he exclaimed , “A car is coming . ”

“注意 ! ”他喊道,“车来了。”

〖 提示 〗look out 还有“朝外看”之意。look out for提防…… 。如:

He stood at the window and look out . 他站在窗前朝外看。

In the bus , you must look out for the bad man .

2 . different from 与……不同

English is different from Chinese in some way . 英语和汉语在某些方面不同。

My ideas are different from his . 我的意见与他的意见不同。

〖 提示 〗to be different from 中,from 后面可跟名词、代词或从句。

3 . take care 注意,留心

You should always take care when you cross the road . 当你过马路时应当留伸。

〖 提示 〗take care of = look after 是“照料,看管”之意,用于及物。如:

You must take care of yourself . 你要好好注意自己的身体。

She stayed at home to take care of the baby . 她呆在家中照看婴儿。

4 . at the head of 在……的前头

〖 提示 〗相当于 in front of

At the head of the queue is a little child . 排在前头的是一个小孩。

He stands at the head of the line . 他站在队列之首。

5 . come into = enter 进入,走进 ( 用于及物 )

The door opened and the children came into the room . 门打开了,孩子们走进了房间。

〖 提示 〗come in 也是“进来”之意。但是不及物。如:

Come in , please . 请进。

6 . stand up 站起身来,起立

He stood up and left room . 他站了起来,离开了房间。

sit down坐下。

7 . laugh at 嘲笑,因……因笑

Don't laugh at the old man . 不要嘲笑这位老人。

All of us are laughing at a joke . 听了这个笑话我们都笑起来了。

8 . be after 寻找,探求,追踪

〖 提示 〗相当于 look for。但find是“找到”。

What are you after ? 你在找什么 ?

9 . at last 最后,终于

I heard from him at last . 我终于接到他的信了。

10 . see the ( a ) doctor 去看医生 ( 去看病 )

I am seeing the ( a ) doctor this afternoon . 我下午就去看医生 ( 看病 ) 。

11 . fall off 跌落,掉下

Oh , she's falling off her bike . 哦,她从自行车上摔下来了。

〖 提示 〗fall off 表示“从某处掉下来”,off 后面接名词或代词。

fall over 是“摔倒”之意,不及物。如:

She slipped and fell over . 她脚一滑,就摔倒了。




1 . too + 形容词 + to ( 不定式 ) 太……不……

It's too dangerous to cross . 太危险了不能过去。

It 在此句中作形式主语。“too…to…”意为“太……以致不能”。前面的 too 后接形容词,后面的 to 后接动词。整个句子含有否定的意思。又如:

It's too dark to see my hand . 暗得伸手不见五指。

如果结果状语从句是肯定形式,可以换式“…enough to…”的结构,如:

She was strong enough to lift the heavy box . = She was so strong that she could lift the heavy box . 她是如此结实以致能拿起这个重箱子。

too…to 的否定结构是 not too…to“干……不很……”。如:

Swimming is not too difficult to learn . 游泳并不十分难学。

2 . 由连词 ( when ) 引导的时间状语从句的句型

When the lights are red , the traffic must stop . 当灯是红色的时,车辆必须停下来。

When 在这外句子中作连词,引导一个时间状语从句:When the lights are red . 主句是 the traffic must stop . 时间状语从句在复合句中作主句的时间状语。


When spring comes , it gets warm . 当春天到来时,天气变得暖和了。

我们已学过由 before , after 引导时间状语从句的句子。又如:

I shall ring you up before I leave . 我在离开以前要打电话给你。

After I get up , I wash my face and brush my teeth . 我起床之后,就洗脸、刷牙。

3 . 由连词 if 引导的条件状语从句句型

If you jump the queue , other people will not be pleased . 如果你插队的话,其它人会不高兴的。

jump the queue 指“不按次序排队”,即:来在某些人之后,却想排在某些人之前。

If you jump the queue 是由连词 if 引导的条件状语从句这个从句用一般现在时,主句用一般将来时。如果主句内有情态动词 must、can、may , 则主句就不用将来时,因为这几个情态动词没有将来时态。

if 在一般现在时中所表达的是所假定的事实有可能实现。因此,这个复合句句型的意义可概括为:“如果……就……”,又如:

If the weather is fine on Sunday , I will go for a walk . 如果星期天天气好的话,我就要去散步。

If the weather is fine on Sunday , I may go for a walk . 如果星期天天气好的话,我可能要去散步。

4 . not…until… 直到……才

You mustn't eat anything until you see the doctor . 直到你看了病才可以吃东西。

not…until 是“直到……才”的意思。

until 在这个句型中是连词,引导一个时间状语从句。

You mustn't eat anything until you see the doctor . = You mustn't eat anything before you see the doctor .

not…until 与 not…before 的意思和用法同,但 not…until 比较常用。until 后面可以接名词或从句。翻译时,通常先译 until 所接的名词或从句,再译主句,动词前加一个“才”字。

until 用在否定句中时,主句的动词一般是终止性的 ( 如上述各例 ) 。until 用在肯定句中时,主句的动词一般是延续性的。如:

I waited until he came . 我一直等到他来。

I stayed until it was getting dark . 我一直呆到夜幕降临。


1 . They are standing in line . 他们在排队。

stand in line 意为“排队”。如:

You should stand in line before the bus comes . 公共汽车来之前,你应当排队。

2 . If you jump the queue , other people will not be pleased . 你如果不按秩序排队,其它人会不高兴的。

1 ) jump the queue 意为“不按秩序排队”。

2 ) if you jump the queue 是条件状语从句。

3 ) be pleased 令人高兴,令人愉快的。如:

I'm pleased to help you . 我很乐意帮助你。

He was very pleased at the news . 听到这个消息,他很高兴。

3 . It's dangerous to cross . 过马路危险。

it 在句中形式主语,动词不定式 to cross 是真正的主语。如:

It's very nice to see you . 见到你太好了。

4 . Xia Yi is on a visit to England .

注意 be on a visit to 是“在……访问”。在英国访问。如:

My father is on a visit to the U . S . A . . 我父亲在访美。

Mr Black is on a visit to China . 布莱克先生在访华。

5 . Are the people very friendly ? 那儿的人民很友好吗 ?

friendly 是形容词,意为“友好的”,在句中作表语。它由各词 friend 加后缀 - ly 构成。如:

He is friendly to everyone . 他对任何人都很友好。

6 . It was nice talking to you . 和你谈话真愉快。

此句主语 it 是形式主语,真正主语是 talking to you , 是动名词短语,也可以用 to talk to you 等动词不定式换之。而 Nice to see you . 这句更口语化些,省略了语法上的主语和谓语。完整形式为 It is nice to see you . 句型为:

It is nice / good to do sth . / doing sth .

7 . The people are waiting for the doctor to come . 人们在等医生来。

“to come”是动词不定式短语作宾语补足语。如:

Reagan asked him to have dinner . 里根邀请他就餐。

8 . She sat nearest to the doctor's door . 她坐在离诊所的门最近的地方。

nearest 是副词的最高级形式修饰动词“sat”,near 作副词用时,是“接近”“靠近”的意思,一般放在修饰词之后。例如:

Alice lives near to my home . 艾丽丝住在我家附近。


It was October 1 , It was Tom's birthday . He saw a card on the table when he came back home . It said . “There is a present for you Tom . Look for it in your room . ”Tom ran to his room . His parents were watching him and smiling . On his bed he saw a new red box . He thought “My present must be in it . ”he opened it . There was nothing but a card in it . He took it out and read , “Dear Tom . I'm your present . My first letter is in the word ‘pear’ , but not in ‘bear . ’My second letter is in ‘tell , ’but not in ‘tall’ . And you can find my last letter in both ‘bank’and ‘ink . ’What am I ? ”Tom thought it over . P-E-N ! He smiled and said , “Aha , I know, Mum . But where is it ? ”His mother told him it was in his school bag . He found his present - a nice new pen !

赏析: 朋友,你们有那么快就可以发现 Tom 的生日礼物是什么东西吗 ? 相信你们肯定可以,只要爱动脑筋。


用适当的英语“回文词” ( 即从前往后和从后往前拼写完全一样的词”

1 . What can I do for you , m______ ?

2 . M______ , I'd like to have a piece of cake .

3 . He often has his lunch in the school at n______ .

4 . A______ , I have caught up with you !

答案:1 . madam 2 . Mum 3 . noon 4 . Aha




1 . There is ______ traffic , you must wait .

A . many B . a few C . a lot of D . a lot

答案 C . traffic“交通”为不可数名词,因此不能用 many , a few 来修饰,而 a lot 为副词短语,不能修饰名词,因此选C。另外,还要注意使用 traffic 时,谓语动词用单数。

2 . Children are ______ easy to make such mistakes .

A . so B . much C . more D . too

答案 D . too…to 词组用于肯定句,而表达否定的含义,表示“太……以致不能做某事”,但当 too 和 kind , easy , ready , willing 等形容词连用时,后面的不定式不再有否定意义,这里的 too 相当于 very,全句意思为“孩子们很容易犯这样的毛病。”

3 . There is ______ no one laughing at him . How kind they are !

A . nearly B . almost C . about D . hardly

答案 B . 四个选项中,只有A、B项含有“几乎,将近”的含义,符合句意,另外 nearly 不能用来修饰 no one 一类表示全部否定的词,而 almost 可以,因此只能选 B。

4 . I came to see him when he ______ to the cinema .

A . go B . goes C . went D . is going

答案 C . 在时间状语从句中,只有当主句是将来时的时候,从句用一般现在时表示将来,但其他情况下,主从句在时态上要保持一致,主句是过去的时态,从句也要用表示过去的时态,不可一律用一般现在时。

5.- Must I go to school on Sunday ?

- No , you .

A. don’t B. needn’t C. haven’t D. aren’t


6. If he late again , he will be fired (解雇) 。

A. is B. will be C. is going to be D. does

答案:A 。条件状语从句用现在时代表将来时。



※ 补全对话,每空一词

A:Be ( 1 ) ! A jeep is coming .

B:I must see my father in the hospital , and it's ( 2 ) there .

A:But you ( 3 ) cross the road from here . There's heavy traffic .

It's ( 4 ) dangerous to cross . A jeep ( 5 ) hit you .

B: ( 6 ) shall I cross the road , please ?

A:There , ( 7 ) the second turning . ( 8 ) be careful .

B:Thank you very much ( 9 ) helping me .

A:It's a ( 10 ) .

答案:1 . careful 2 . over 3 . mustn't / can't 4 . too 5 . may 6 . Where 7 . at 8 . and 9 . for 10 . pleasure

※ 单项选择

1 . There is little water in the glass , ______ ?

A . isn't there B . is there C . isn't it D . is it

2 . ______ I borrow your ruler please ?

A . May B . Shall C . Do D . Did

3 . The box is too heavy ______ him to carry ______

A . for , it B . with , it C . for , x D . with , x

4 . He is old enough ______ to school .

A . going B . to go C . goes D . go

5 . I saw the teacher ______ into the classroom .

A . come B . came C . to come D . coming

答案:1 . B 2 . A 3 . C 4 . B 5 . A

※ 不改变原意改变句子,使上下句意思一致。

1 . Uncle Wang is on a visit to Japan .

Uncle Wang ______ ______ Japan .

2 . It's so hot that I can't wear the coat .

It ______ ______ to ______ the coat .

3 . You mustn't eat anything until you see the doctor .

______ ______ anything ______ you see the doctor .

答案:1 . is visiting 2 . too hot , wear 3 . Don't eat , until 改写这样的句子,首先要看看被改写部分的含义,然后找出其同义词或短语,再用其正确形式就可以了。


A ) 用 cross 和 across 填空

1 . The monkey ______ the mountain .

2 . They went ______ the river .

B ) 用 pleased , pleasure , pleasant 填空

1 . I will be ______ to help you .

2 . She is ______ with the present .

3 . It's a ______ .

4 . We had a ______ evening .

( 请同学们把填好的答案反馈给我们 )

答案:A . 1 . crossed 2 . across B . 1 . pleased 2 . pleased 3 . pleasure 4 . pleasant