高二上英语知识归纳(Unit1-Uni9) 知识归纳(BII,U4)(人教版高二英语上册教案教学设计)

发布时间:2016-4-3 编辑:互联网 手机版

▲call up召唤;回忆起;调动(力量、人员等);(给……)打电话

The photograph called up memories of his childhood.


The music calls up old times. 这音乐让人回想起旧日时光。

He was called up right at the beginning of the war.


Don’t call me up in the morning.不要在早上给我打电话.

▲belong to 属于;是……的成员之一;此短语不可用进行式,也没有被动语态形式。

The car belongs to my uncle.这辆车是我叔叔的.

Who does this bag belong to? 这个提包是谁的?

I belong to the tennis club.我是这个网球俱乐部的会员.

Do you belong to any party?你有没有加入哪个政党?

但常用belong to的-ing形式作定浯

China is a country belonging to the third world.中国属于第三世界国家.

▲come into being出现;形成;产生

We don'1 know when the universe into being.我们不知道宇宙是何时开始存在的。

Later two more armies came into being. 后来又成立了两支部队,

Thus the first workers’league came into being. 这样第一个工人联盟就出现了.

Such custom came into long ago.这种风俗很久以前就有了,

▲ glory n.光荣;荣耀;壮观;[C]光荣的事或人

They fought for the glory of their con.try.他们为了国家的荣誉而战.

He did it for his own personal glory.他为了自己个人的荣誉做了那件事.

the glory of the sunset 落日的壮观

the glories of our past history我们历史上荣耀的事

He is glory to his profession.他是他所从事的专业的光荣,

▲comparison l比较;对照;类似

He made an interesting comparison between classical music and jazz.


He made /drew several comparisons between the two poets.


I find the comparison of life to a voyage quite proper,


in/by comparison with “…比起来;与……相比”

Living in the country is cheap in comparison with the big cities.


by comparison 相比之下”

He seems rather weak by comparison. 相比之下,他似平相当弱.

▲apart adv.相隔;相距;除去;单独地

Alice and her husband now live apart.艾丽丝和她的丈夫现在分居.

New York and Tokyo are thousands of miles apart.纽约和东京相隔敷干英里.

The fires broke out a few hours part. 前后两场火灾相隔几十小时。

They planted the trees three metres apart.他们每隔三米种一棵树.

She lives apart from her family. 她跟家人分开住。

A few little things apart.the party was a great success.


apart /aside from 除……之外,除开

Apart from a few faults.he is quite a good teacher.


Apart from the coat, the dress doesn’t suit me.


▲contribute vt.贡献;捐献;投稿

He contributed a lot of money to the charity.他捐很多钱给慈善机构.

She contributed a lot of good ideas to the discussion.


He didn’t I contribute anything to world peace. 他对世界和平毫无贡献。

I contributed several poems to a literary magazine.我投了几首诗给一本文学杂志。


contribute to 为……作贡献;有助于……;向……投稿”

The fine weather contributed to the success of the voyage,


A proper amount of exercise contributes to good health. 适度的运动有益健康.

The contribution of a highway wil1 contribute to the growth of the suburbs.

建造高建公路将有助于郊区的发展. I make most of my money by writing books but I do contribute to magazines sometimes.


▲stand out突出;出色;引人注目

David stands out as a computer designer.大卫是十出众的计算机编程员。

He doesn’t stand out in a crowd,他在人群中并不引人注目.

The tower stood out against the blue sky.那座塔衬托着蓝天引人注目,

The hat stood out because of its strange shape.那顶帽子造型奇特而引人注目.

They were all attractive,but she stood out from the others.


▲next to 几乎;常用于否定词之前。

The speech said next to nothing.这次演说几乎什么都设讲.

The dealer gave us next to nothing for our old car


I knew next to nothing about electricity.对电我几乎是一无所知.

It’s next to impossible to drive in this traffic.


▲1ight up点燃;点亮;照亮;使面有喜色;容光焕发

He lit up a cigarette before he began his speech.在开始讲话前他先点上一支烟。

Hundreds of candles lighted up the hall.几百支蜡烛照亮了大厅。

A smile lit up her face.她一笑表情为之开朗。

Her face lit up with joy.她因高兴而容光焕发。

The street lights have lighted up.街灯已点亮。

▲Look up(在字典、时刻表等中)查看;翻查;查找

I looked up(the meaning of)the word in my dictionary.


I often go to the library to look up the information l need.


Look up the directory for his telephone number.在电话簿中找找他的电话号码。

absence n.不在;缺席;缺乏

After an absence seven years I went home.外出了年后我返回了故乡。

I soon noticed his absence from sch001.我很快便察觉到他缺课了。

Absence“rain caused the plants tO die.因缺少雨水导致植物枯死。

absence of mind 心不在焉”

His absence of mind during driving nearly caused an accident.


In one's absence"某人不在时;某人外出时;背地里”

A lady called in your absence,sir.先生,你不在时,有位女士来访。

They spoke ill of the captain in his absence.他们在背地里说队长的坏话。

▲recommend vt.推荐;介绍;劝告;建议

He strongly recommended her to our firm for the post.


I can recommend her as a good secretary.


Canyou recommend me a good lawyer?


recommend sb.to do sth.

相当于advise sb.to do sth.“建议某人去做某事,劝某人做某事”

I recommend you to see her at once.我劝你马上去看她。

The doctor recommended me to take a long rest.医生劝我长期休养。

Recommend doing sth.“建议做某事”

I recommend going by bus.我建议坐公共汽车去。

She recommended buying this dictionary. 她建议买这本词典。

recommend后还可接that从句,从句中谓语动词用should + v.形式,should可省略。

He recommended that they(should)be set free. 他建议释放他们。

The teacher recommended that we(should)read the novel.老师劝我们读读那本小说。