unit 3 phases(人教版高三英语上册教案教学设计)

发布时间:2016-5-3 编辑:互联网 手机版

1. be made up of

2. be surrounded by

3. a large star with seven points 一颗带有七个角的星

4. stand for

5. on an ancient continent 在古代大陆

6. create complex societies 创建了复杂的社会体系

7. live in a similar way to their ancestors

8. live in the same way as their fellow Australians

9. claim the east coast of the continent for the British Crown 声称大陆的东海岸归大不列颠王国所有

10. the American War of Independence 美国独立战争

11. choose …as… 选…为…

12. the way land was managed 管理土地的方法

13. be harmful to 对…有害

14. as a consequence (of)

15. have their land taken away from them 使他们的土地被剥夺

16. basic civil rights 基本的公民权利

17. enjoy the same rights 享受同样的权利

18. recognize the importance of a diverse society 认识到社会多元化的重要性

19. have a strong influence on sth 对…有强的影响

20. experience social and economic unrest 经理过社会经济的动荡

21. suffer from the Great Depression 遭受过经济大萧条

22. transform … into …

23. benefit

Reading too many books can benefit us.

We can benefit from books.

benifit from immigration

24. change one’s attitude towards sb 改变某人对…的态度

25. pass laws to strengthen the rights of Aborigines 通过法律来加强土著居民的权利

26. improve one’s living conditions 改善某人的生活条件

27. differ in pronunciation from British English 在发音方面与英语不同

28. have fun with sth 拿某物来取乐

29. get away from

30. sb be sure to do sth 某人一定做某事

31. set foot (on) 踏上…

32. inland areas 内陆地区

33. as old as time 和时间一样古老

34. be connected to 和…相连

35. separate sth from sth 把…从…中分隔开来

36. lay eggs

37. feed on/feed…on…

38. give birth to 生下

39. cover an entire continent 覆盖着整个大陆

40. have the biggest iron mines 有着最大的铁矿

41. keep cattle 样牛

42. keep sth out 把…阻挡在外

43. all the year round

44. share sth with sb

45. roast a steak on an open fire 在户外篝火上烤牛排

have a barbecue 进行一次烧烤